A solid timber pavilion inspired by Namibian termite mounds.Termite Pavilion first exhibited at Pestival at the Royal Festival Hall in London, September 2009, is a six square metre walk-in structure inspired by the inside of a Namibian termite mound, and allows visitors a unique insight into these extraordinary organic forms. For the Termite Pavilion, a team of architects and engineers selected a central section a termite mound scan and scaled it up to a size which would allow humans to move through it. It is made of cross laminated timber, sourced from Austrain spruce, for reasons of sutainability, durability and cost.
Collaboration: Softroom Architects, Freeform Engineering, Atelier One, Chris Watson, Haberdasherylondon, KLH and Pestival. Completed: 2009
Photograph ©Joseph Burns
Photograph ©Joesph Burns